Words to describe yourself “About Me” | Essay Writing

 How To Write About Who You Are?


Essay Writing is a type of text. Text is mainly about two types: Fiction and Non-Fiction. 

There are mainly two ways of narrating your story to the world or telling about yourself, i.e. biographies and autobiographies. The type of text which deals with the information of personal pronouns is known as autobiography. However, the information about a particular personality that has been shared by someone else is known as biography. Biography and autobiography both chronologically deal with detail and need very peculiar and minute information.

 It also requires the opinions, feelings, and emotions of a particular person at different times in life.

Common Features about Biography and Autobiography

Most of the features are common in biographies and autobiographies, except the usage of pronouns, and it is only because of the writer. If the subject has generated the content, then a personal pronoun will be used, and if the researcher has generated the content, the third person pronoun is used. Common features are as follows:

·         When and where the subject has born

·         Family

·         Early life

·         Interpersonal Affairs

·         Experiences and Feelings

·         Journey

·         Struggle and Achievements

·         People influenced by

·         Ending Note

There is one more way of telling the world about yourself, but that does not require detailed information through articles and documentaries.

Difference between Biography/Autobiography and Articles/Documentaries

Biographies and autobiographies cannot be published without the consent of that particular person. Autobipgraphies are written mainly by personalities themselves, and this is first-hand information. It is perceived that whatever information or content published in an autobiography is entirely logical, and the author has taken complete responsibility in case of any controversy arrived. Biography is also a life history or story of a particular person but written by someone else but with that specific personality's consent. The 
support's responsibility lies on the shoulder of the character about which the content has been generated

 However, articles and documentaries can be covered by anyone and published or presented on any platform with a particular organization's permission. The consent of a specific person is not mandatory. An article or documentary may be issued with or without the consent of one specific character. Whatever the content is posted in articles or documentaries is not the responsibility of that specific personality. In fact, in this case, nature has a right to sue the publisher for publishing appropriate or false content in someone's name. 

World's Most Famous Biographies

1-      A Beautiful Mind By Sylvia Nasar

2-      Alan Turing: The Enigma: The book that inspired the film the imitation Game – Updated Edition by Andrew Hodges

3-      Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

4-      Barracoon: The story of the Last "Balck Cargo" by Zora Neale Hurston

5-      Churchill: A Life by Martin Gilbert

6-      E=mc2: A biography of the World's Famous Equation by David Bodanis

7-      Enrique's: Journey by Sonia Nazario

What makes this non-fiction text the most famous and popular amongst the countless biographies available? This question is as suspicious as a mystery; however, the answer is as simple as ABC. All the biographies mentioned in the above list are as captivating as a novel. Writing is an art. All these books are biographies written other than the subject, and the story has been narrated in such a beautiful way that readers cannot hold themselves. 

World's Most Famous Autobiographies

1-      The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

2-      Long Walk to Freedom By Nelson Mandela

3-      The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi

4-      The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

5-      Chronicles, Volume 1 by Bob Dylan

6-      I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

7-      The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X

All the autobiographies mentioned in the above list teach a lesson of life and bound the reader to start from page 1 and get stuck till the last word. These books are well-known for struggle, never giving up, and the presence of the reality of human emotion is commendable. 

Reasons why Biography and Autobiography has been published

It has been observed the mostly this type of text has been written by famous personalities at the end of their tenure ot at the adult age. The day the book published and made its presence in the market, the day is the open invitation to controversies as the book contains a lot of information about people related to the subject or being in the same boat of time. 

It is a myth that biography or autobiography can only be published or generated by famous personalities. Anyone who had enough content to aspire and inspire people who struggled to achieve the objective and dared to put their emotions infront of the entire world is a perfect candidate to write an autobiography.

The below two references are outstanding examples of a common man's autobiography, which are quite popular and still trending with an excellent price.

1-      Life and Times of a Common Man

2-      The Autobiography of a Common Man by Hodge H. Spencer



At the end of such a long article, it is pretty apparent that are altogether four ways of telling the world about yourself that who you are, and that is

1-      Article – Written by subject or someone else. Short, not in a chronological manner. Can be about specific event or occasion

2-      Documentary – A little longer than an article. Written by subject or someone else. Short, not in a chronological manner. Can be about specific event or occasion

3-       Biography – Not written by subject. A detailed life story in a chronological manner.

4-      Autobiography – Written by the subject himself. A detailed life story in a chronological manner.


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