Writing techniques - Paragraph Structure - How to Write a Perfect Paragraph ??

FOUR PARAGRAPH ESSAY Essay writing is an essential part of academics and completely unignorable in any language or culture. An essay is also considered the most commonly used draft in the universe of writing. An essay drafts well when thoughts are appropriately organized and channelized. In order to draft well, the four body paragraph technique is used most widely, which is suitable and acceptable on almost all levels, whether it is about putting your opinion, discussing cause and effect, or comparing and contrasting. Graphic organizers serve well for this purpose. Graphic organizers Take baby steps to achieve big goals. Altogether, writing an essay is a huge task that causes nervousness and anxiety. The most prescribed way to write effectively is to sit, think about the topic, jot down all those pointers you would like to cover and divide into separate chunks. Keeping the four-paragraph techniq...